Options & Accessories

Window Materials

Wide selection of window materials for every application




Motion Control

Achieve greater accuracy in your measurements

macro-manipulation, manual probe translation


Vacuum Pumping Systems

Standard 5.5m3/h

Turbo-Drag 35 l/s

Fully integrated with all necessary accessories


Sample Holders

Sample holders for every application

Optical, Electrical, X-Ray, EPR, Liquid Cell

Adjustable or Fixed



Customize your ARS system with our wide range of wiring packages

Braids, feedthroughs, bulkheads, pins & plugs

High Temperature Interfaces

450 K

800 K

Compatible with all Sample in Vacuum systems



Provides 99.999% Helium gas to ARS closed cycle cold heads

ARS-4HW, ARS-10HW, CoolPac